La Llorona “the weeping woman”

I’m from New Mexico and last year I was hanging out at a park by the river with a friend at night. I should’ve known better considering I grew up with the story of La Llorona, but I figured that since I’d been there multiple times at night that it would be fine.

We got the park around 10:30pm. A few things to note about this park is that you have to park on the other side of a highway and walk underneath the overpass to get to the playground as well as that the parking lot, path to playground and playground itself are all directly on the river bank. When we got to the playground it was silent, calm and for a while it was exactly like every time I’d been there before.

About 30 minutes later we heard wailing and a loud scream of “AYÚDAME” that sounded like it was less than 50ft away. Immediately I looked at the overpass, and underneath I saw a figure dressed in white run into the water. Both my friend and I were frozen in fear. We decided to head back to the car and instead of going back under the overpass we ran across the highway. Luckily since this highway is pretty rural, and it was late at night there were no cars and we got out of there as fast as we could. To this day I have not returned at night and I don’t think I ever will.

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